Lead Nurturing – 10 keys to getting better results from your enquiries

Effective lead nurturing is crucial for service-based businesses to build relationships with potential customers, educate them about their offerings, and ultimately convert them into paying clients.

What is lead nurturing?

Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with prospective customers, to help guide them through their buying process and increasing the chances of that process leading to them doing business with your company.

Effective lead nurturing will shorten sales cycles and enable sales to be made at better margins, as the value to clients will be clear and the key buying issues will be addressed more completely.

The best way to look at this, is from the eyes of your customer and remove the distinctions between sales, marketing and customer service, to create a strategy that seemingly unites these departments.


If you haven’t already defined your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), this is a good place to start, or to at least work on in parallel to this, as it creates the foundation for much of the communication needed to effectively guide your prospects through their buying journey.

Keys to nurturing sales opportunities

Here are ten keys to successful lead nurturing for service-based businesses:

Where should you start with lead nurturing?

Many of the steps in improving lead nurturing assume that you have a good understanding of your target customer and their buying process. The trap here is that buyer behaviour is not static, so if you don’t have a way to monitor and adapt to the buying habits and decision processes of your prospects, your sales efficiency will typically decrease over time.

For this reason, when we guide clients through this process, our starting point is often to get an up to date and deeper understanding of their target market. Once this is clearer, and reviewed against the current marketing and sales processes, opportunities to improve the experience for your prospective clients often start to appear quite quickly.

Taking this approach to implement updated marketing messaging, automations and sales systems not only improves sales performance most efficiently, but also enables a faster ROI on the investment to implement these systems and then leverage growth further when further improvements are made from the increased profitability gained.

Want some help?

Improving your lead efficiency has massive ROI benefits, but it takes some experience to get the best results.

If you’d like to explore how Vizzably can help you review, strategise and implement improvements in your lead nurturing, we’d love to hear from you. Simply add your contact info and some details to the form and we’ll be in contact shortly.


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