Unique Selling Proposition - How to be more valuable to your customers

19 steps you can use to find and refine your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and make your business more profitable

How can your business stand out from your competitors?
…and how can your business be the business of choice for your ideal customers?

Standing out and being able to show your clear value is a challenge for many businesses and greatly limits their capacity to grow efficiently.

Without a clear voice in the market, your capacity to grow will be greatly restricted.

This clear voice is often referred to as your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and it forms a key foundational piece in creating an efficient marketing strategy.


The power of defining your Unique Selling Proposition

Without a clear USP

Your cost per lead increases
Referrals are limited
Your customers will often take a cheaper quotes, even if your competitor won’t do as good a job
Business growth is limited and inefficient, with most of it dependant on the business owner

With an effective USP

Lead cost decreases
It’s easier to get referrals
The value of your service or product is easier to recognise and customers will pay more
Your business can create and implement clear growth strategies, which can be done by others

How is a USP different to your value proposition?

You may have heard references to value proposition (VP) and unique selling proposition (USP) and wondered what the difference is.

While there’s some overlap between these, your value proposition is the longer term benefit realised by your clients, whereas your USP is a more immediate benefit that helps you stand out from your competitors and give people a clear reason to buy.

For example, imagine you were providing tracking software to freight companies. Your value proposition could be that your system is the easiest to use for the freight company and their customers. But, understanding that a key pain point for freight companies is the speed of implementing a new system, you’ve developed specific time savings around this and tested this against rival platforms, so your USP is “at least 47% faster to implement than leading freight management systems”. 

In this example, the USP is specific and focused on a key concern around implementing a new platform. The value proposition however is much broader and provides many of the elements that are the reason that freight companies keep using the platform long term. 

What makes a good unique selling proposition?

Your USP should be unique, relevant, and valuable to your target audience. It should address a specific need or desire that resonates with potential customers, giving them a compelling reason to choose your service over competitors.

How can you develop your value proposition for your business?

It’s one thing to know that having your USP deliver a clear and compelling message is important, and quite another to get it right. So the next step is knowing how to create one that is effective for your business.

One thing to recognise with your USP, is that this is a process, so will often develop with your business and need more than just a one-off brainstorming session.

Taking the time to define and refine your value to your customers can pay exponential returns, and is one of the most critical investments you can make in the efficiency of all your future marketing and sales activities.


Here’s some steps that can help you and your team better understand the value that you provide your customers and leverage this to create your Unique Selling Proposition.

If you’ve got a wide range of customer or product and service types, start by focusing on your core offer and build out from there.

Is reporting an area that your business needs help with?

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The more of these steps that are done, the more valuable and unique your selling proposition will be. If you’ve got a newer business or smaller team, start with the first 5 steps and you’ll be on your way to greatly clarifying how you can reach new customers more effectively.

Need help defining your USP?

For tasks like creating your Unique Selling Proposition, many businesses find it most effective to have an experienced facilitator guide you through the process.

If you’d like to explore how Vizzably can help you define and use your USP to grow your business more efficiently, you can reach out to us via the form below so one of our team can get in touch and explore how we can work with you to get the best results.


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